Victoria University (back to Post Reg)
Bachelor of Education (Post Registration) to Semester One
Date Activities (and links)  


Activities  for Week 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10 11 12 13 14 15

July 14


First Lesson Back from Mid Year Break.

Presenting the Project You are Undertaking

Presentation of Action Research Projects

Mastering FrontPage


July 21

More FrontPageing

July 28

Up loading to WebCT

Compression This is more for Home


1.Go here for How to create a page with a theme

August 4






  1. Log On
  2. Check Email
  3. Start Up WebCT
  4. Load Hypermedia page (optional)
  Student Centred
  1. Presentation of Progress.
  2. Reporting Back on Home Work
  3. Web Sites to Share
  Class Centred





Going to Footscray

We will use Room C505 , which is on the fifth floor in C Building of the Footscray Park (Ballarat Rd) Campus

For Your Interest have a look at a students work from last year

Robin Hood


We will be at Footscray on Wednesday 20 th August see "Endings" above


August 11





  1. Log On
  2. Check Email
  3. Start Up WebCT
  4. Load Hypermedia page (optional)
  Student Centred
  1. Presentation of Progress.
  2. Reporting Back on Home Work
  3. Web Sites to Share
  Class Centred




Setting Up the Next Class



August 18

Interesting Example of a webQuest on Comic Writing


This is a list of the areas I would like to cover.

  • Reviewing and Publishing Your WebQuests

  • Writing Your Hypermedia Stories

  • MS Publisher and Desktop Publishing

  • Digital Camera

  • Advanced Word

  • Paint Shop Pro





WebQuests and Other On-Line Resources

August 25

Projects and WebQuests





  1. Log On
  2. Check Email
  3. Start Up WebCT
  4. Load Hypermedia page (optional)
  Student Centred

  1. Following on From the Interest in Desk Top Publishing is My Web Site of the Week

    Primary Resources a site from the UK


  Class Centred

Back to WebQuests

Is any One Interested in PowerPoint and HyperMedia Story Telling ?



Setting Up the Next Class




September 2

The Next Big Thing!





  1. Log On
  2. Check Email
  3. Start Up WebCT
  4. Load Hypermedia page (optional)
  5. Checking the Calendar
  Student Centred
  1. Presentation of Action Research Projects

  2. Spreadsheets 1

    Spreadsheets 2

  3. Commonwealth Games Spreadsheet

    (from Judy Beal          ICT Coordinator
    West Beach Primary School)

  4. Using Word For Concept Mapping Type Exercises 
  5. Using a photo and Paint Shop Pro to explore Symmetry


  Class Centred

WebQuests Finished ?

Lets have a Look.

Is any One Interested in PowerPoint and HyperMedia Story Telling ?



Setting Up the Next Class





September 8

Time to Review Web Quests and Hypermedia Stories.

Also some fun with English 
( is that possible ?)

and This


Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.

Eye have run this peom threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.

Further Spell Checker Stuff

Web Resources - 
A Hot List of Literacy Sites

Sample Lessons from Kings Park Primary in the US

The Flat Stanley Project

Literature Resources from San Diego

Timeless Tales from Palmerston District Primary School in the ACT




(back to top of page)
September 15

This week we will have a look at KidsPix the great drawing and slide show program for junior students. Melanie will take the running on this .

Also we will look at 
Microsofts Template Gallery
select Publications and Education
              For Teachers 
                   Class schedule.
and on the next Page 
             Quiz (PowerPoint).

In the Personal Section I was impressed with the My Family Book
 and the Family Tree

Please Feel free to explore other Templates.

If we have time Collage Making with 
Paint Shop Pro

October 9

Last Week before Assessments.

Today we will look at Collage Making with Paint Shop Pro, this involves 2 steps

1. Finding Images  - On the Internet -Search Skills

 (in the past I have used ANZAC Day as a topic, other possible topics include Gratitude, Determination, Joy, Ancient Egypt, Triangles in Nature, Machines that help People : I like to AVOID sport of any kind , dogs or any animal and all commercial images eg Bugs Bunny, Simpson's or Disney)

2. Putting them together in Paint Shop Pro

(each image will need to be saved to your 'My Documents' Folder and then opened in Paint Shop Pro. You will also need to create a new document with the dimensions of 640 x 480 pixels.

Your screen should show a variety of images and one big blank square.

Look at each of the images you have, decide what parts you will keep.

For this exercise we will use the lasso tool

This is the Options Box for the Lasso

In the Selection Type we can pick 

  • Freehand 
  • Point to Point
  • Smart Edge

Feather is the degree of softness or smudge we can have around our selections

Antialias is the jaggedness of the edges we can have, turning it off means jagged edges

Click on the Lasso Tool, draw around the object until the marching ants complete a full circuit ( they go all around)

From the Edit menu select Copy

Click on the blank image( document) This is where we will arrange the Collage.

Now go to the Edit Menu and Select Paste as New Layer , this will place your selected image on the screen but make it independent of the other Images.( you can table palette if you want to see the arrangement of your layers)

Continue Until Your have placed all your elements ( selections) on the page.  NB you can use the Image Menu to alter/distort/Enhance any of your selections.

Insert some Text as a Heading

When you are happy (or just happy with your Collage) then go to the Layers Menu and select Merge  Merge All (Flatten )

Save Your Image as a .jpg and you are ready to use it in a Web Page or In PowerPoint or just to Print Out and etc.

Remember the Survey you did in the First Class.  Have a go at it again 

Did you save the original survey for comparison?


Try this one , from the Catholic Ed Office in NSW






































return to top of page

October 16

Assessment Time 


For the rest I have prepared a lesson in how to mail merge a certificate.

October 23


October 30

Optional Week for Assessments