Write your name in the Box

Computer Skills
Poor Adequate Good Excellent
Basic Operations        
1. Turn on and boot a computer        
2. Manoeuvre through Windows-based applications        
3. Use pop-down menus in applications        
4. Use a mouse to navigate through software        
Use a variety of software including:        
5. Word Processors, eg Word, Claris Works        
6. Spread Sheets, eg Excel, Lotus 1-2-3        
7. Databases, eg Access, FileMaker Pro        
8. Save data to a disk (hard disk and floppy)        
9. Copy files from one location to another        
10. Create new folders        
11. Rename, copy and delete files.        
12. Shut down a computer correctly        
13. Retrieve information from a CD-ROM        
14. Do simple desktop publishing, eg Publisher        
15. Use graphics programmes to create graphics for educational illustrations and animations eg Paintbrush, Draw, Paint, Photoshop        
16. Possess basic keyboard skills and proficiency        
17. Use a scanner        
18. Use a digital camera        
19. Download pictures from a digital camera and save them.        
Information Technology        
20. Use multi-media presentations, eg PowerPoint        
21. Use interactive presentations        
22. Use a browser to access the Internet        
23. Use a search engine to find resources on the Internet        
24. Use electronic mail programmes        
25. Aware of overall developments in communications and information technology and of their potential for student learning        
26. Set-up and use a laptop and/or VCR with a data projector for large audience presentations        
27. Use WWW services to copy and transfer files        
28. Use a HTML editor        
Evaluation of Software        
29. The ability to evaluate technology based learning materials        
30. Generate lesson plans incorporating IT activities        
31. Match computer applications to specific curriculum content and processes        
32. Evaluate computer software for educational purposes        
33. Structure subject programs and lessons to incorporate useful and appropriate computer activities        
34. Evaluate student learning from computer-based activities        
Pedagogical Issues        
35. Understand how computer technology can enhance student learning and help learners explore their world        
36. Create self-regulating learning environments        
37. Manage the classroom environment and IT resources        
38. The ability to use computers for student profiling and reporting        
39. The ability to use computers for lesson preparation        
40. The ability to use computers for class/faculty administration