Using Win Zip

WinZip is a compression tool.  

It makes files smaller in size so they can be stored or sent over the internet easily.

Get WinZip from Tu Cows


Using WinZip .

Tip Use Wizards when you can.  
When you are confident use other methods

1.Open WinZip  Through Start , or from the Desktop.

If you see this screen then Select File - Wizard.

Win Zip is very useful for compressing web sites

Web sites are made up of

html files like index.htm

image files like sport.jpg or cartoon.gif

as well as subfolders like "Private" or "Images"


WinZip compresses all the files and folders together into one special file That looks like this . and is called " "


2.  Select Next


3 . select Faster if you see this screen.You want to create a new Zip file
4.  You want to create a new Zip file

5. It will ask you to choose a Name for your file.  Take note of where it will put this file
6. You can now select the Folder you want to use .  Select Folder not file.
Then Select Zip Now

7.  It is now Zipped you can press close.

8. If you get this Screen choose to use the Wizard next time.