Assessment Documents

Interface Design (Burst Mode)

Milestones in BLOG form.
Assessment for this subject Consists of the Milestone Activities Saved in a number of places, plus a project.
Students can chose from the Project Briefs

Brief 1

Your brief ,Interface Designer, is to design the Internet site for the latest blockbuster fantasy novel Haunted Castle III. This exciting young persons book has four friends who always seem to be in the centre of mystery and adventure, usually in spooky old castles. Part 3 is set in a Chinese Castle full of ghosts and other things from Chinese folklore and mythology.

Brief 2

The Western Sports Authority wants a site designed to show off the sports in the Western parts of Melbourne. They want the site to be interactive and attractive to the 10-25 year old age group they are interested in . They want people to use the site for information but also they want people to stay and explore other sports as well.

Brief 3

Travel Now, the 3 rd largest travel agency in Victoria is looking to increase interest in OS travel for the 18 to 30 market. Your job is to design an interactive internet site that will attract customers to travel all over the world

Brief 4

Mama Mia, makers of fine pasta and pizza products wants a fun filled web site to go with the promotions they run on their food packets. You are called into design it.

Brief 5

As a designer you decide to create a rich hypermedia story. This will be full of colour and movement. Each screen will be full of choices for the audience readers to explore.

Mon /Tue 23/24 July
Mon 14 July Mon 21 July 28 July



Script Sites 
Web Teacher

On-Line shareware texbook
Task Centered User Interface Design




Time Topic Milestones
Mon AM Introduction
Forms in Frontpage/Your Interface Design
Mon PM Scripting
Mon Late More Scripts
Tues AM Intro Flash
Animated Letters/ Evaluations
Tues PM Med Flash
Added Sound/ Design issues
Tues Late Java Again

School Holidays
Project Formulation and Resource Gathering

Mon AM Project Using JavaScripts from CD
Mon PM Project Logo
Mon late Project  
Mon AM Project  
Mon PM Project  
Mon late Project