Teachers Name 

 Lesson Seven
HEB0075 Interface Design

Resources and Downloads  
Course Outline to the Front

Lesson for today



Lets look at the reading .  Go to Resources


Using the Web to find JavaScripts

Use this list as a starting Point ( try putting JavaScripts in http://google.com)


  Below are a few examples of using the scripts with some modifications


The Patience Game 

Unfortunately this script is in German, so this is a double whammy in understanding the obscure.

Look at my example , look at the code .  All I did was modify the graphics so that it was useful for me .  
We will attempt the same today  using Paint Shop Pro ( or PhotoShop )



Opening Another Window

In this example we use JavaScript to Open another Window.

Have  look 

There are a variety of scripts that are similar but add extra features , like timed closing , or opening with a hyperlink rather than a button



A List of Sites with JavaScripts for Cutting and Pasting

Featured Javascripts

Cut the Knot

JavaScript Demos

From Netscape ( makers of the JavaScript)

Try Netpedia where  I downloaded this game by opening it up in FrontPage you can change the story the form writes


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 Resources and Downloads


Script Sites  



Web Teacher
On-Line shareware textbook
Task Centered User Interface Design
A tool to use in place of FrontPage
On Using HTML
Web Style Guides
A Forms Tutorial    
A primer on Using HTML from the NCSA    
On JavaScript Variables    
And another    
And yet another    
From the about people    

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