Teachers Name 

 Lesson Six
Interface Design

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Course Outline  

Lesson for today

Mastering the Art of Using the Ready made Scripts 




 Lets look at http://www.schools.ash.org.au/stkierans-manly/Graph/graph.html
This may be down so press on to  if it is

this is designed for Primary Students .  Nice eh ?

Get into the script copy it , open FrontPage , paste it into the HTML tabbed window , modify what you can , preview it , change modify.

Ask these questions.

  Can I use this ?  How ? 


Now to add in forfilling your brief you will be required to maintain a desin portfolio. This should contain , web sites , script ideas, any and all the practice pages you have made , images you have made or designed , or borrowed , designs , templates made or found .  

Be like squirrels and collect , collect ,collect


Try this page from the CD-ROM ( I will supply this after the holidays). this time with my own images inserted properly.


Also this snow page.  These are simple effects to look at , rather difficult to make from scratch but their use is up to the imagination of the Interface Designer .



Being adventurous will be rewarded



The Patience Game Again 

Time to explore and experiment.  Remember that you will need to save all your practices and even pages that did not work as part of your digital portfolio



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 Resources and Downloads


Script Sites  



Web Teacher
On-Line shareware texbook
Task Centered User Interface Design
A tool to use in place of FrontPage
On Forms
Web Style Guides

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