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 Lesson three 
HEB0075 Interface Design

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Lesson for today



Check Uni Student Email Account --  Contact me on  peter.thomas@vu.edu.au


The Blog List

In today's lesson we will learn more of JavaScript and of Scripting.

As part of your Assessment Blog you will create a 3 page sampler of all you have learned over the last 2 lessons .

It should include 
  1. variables
  2. prompts
  3. Global variables
  4. maths functions
  5. boolean functions
  6. rollovers
  7. a range of html features as well



To make it easier to understand scripts after they are written programers ( that's you) use notation to expalin what the script does inside the script.

It looks like this /*       */   The wriiting inside the marks are hidden from the browser.  It does not read them , but you can.



Work for today. Open Up Note Pad .

More JavaScripts


Global Variables

I asked you to make up a three page htm site that showed off some of the skills you are learning.

If you want to set variables that are used by a number of functions in your page then define them outside ( above the function )

Copy and paste this example.

<title> My First Program</title>
<script language=JavaScript>
var name;
name=prompt(" What is your name ?", " Barry ");

var rock;
rock=prompt( " what is the rocks name?", " basalt ");
function story()


function hard()


<h2>My First Program</h2>
<h2>This is the story of <script language=JavaScript>story();</script>the worlds greatest rock thrower.

One day when <script language=JavaScript>story();</script> was throwing his rocks around the town . He picked up a large piece of <script language=JavaScript>hard();</script> .<br> " Oh this <script language=JavaScript>hard();</script> is really heavy". Said <script language=JavaScript>story();</script></h2>


Lets do some maths

* is the multiplication sign / is division + and - should be obvious.
= = means equivalent to 


put this function into  a page ( you will need to add plenty)

function main()
      var question;
      var answer;
     question =" How many rolls would the baker give me if I asked her for a dozen?"
      document.write(question+" <br> answer);


Change the values Change the Question. 


Parsing Numbers

Notice that the numbers do not use " " marks , that is because the program will read them as numbers not as strings.

When you want the user to input numbers you are faced with a problem.  To over come this the program needs to convert the numbers written from text strings to real digits.

Put this in a script to see

var number;
number=prompt("Give a value for a:", "12");


If then else and Boolean Logic

Try this 

function main()


var jasonsAge;
var louisesAge;

jasonsAge=prompt("How old is Jason?","21");



            document.write( "Jason is older than Lousie");


        document.write("I dont know any more than that");




Modify The Script

Now modify the script so that if Jason is younger it writes something different.

function main()


var jasonsAge;
var louisesAge;

jasonsAge=prompt("How old is Jason?","21");



            document.write( "Jason is older than Lousie");




          document.write( " Jason is NOT older ");


        document.write("I dont know any more than that");



 Roll Overs

.  If then statements can also be useful for roll overs .

First open Paint and create a red ball and a blue ball, save them as gifs in a folder called RollOver in My Documents.

Now open a note pad file and write

<title> Roll Overs</title>
<script language=JavaScript>

function buttonroll(state)


function preload()
p1=new Image();p1.src="blue.gif";


<body bgcolor="#FFFFCC" onLoad=preload()>
<h2>Roll Overs</h2>
This is an example of a roll over <a href ="#"onMouseOver=buttonroll(1) onMouseOut=buttonroll(0)>
<img name="myImage" src="red.gif" border="0"> </a> pretty eh?



More tags 
<body background="name of a GIF">


Migrating to Front page and Arachnophilia
NB You need to use the html tab and remove what is there and replace your own.


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 Resources and Downloads


Script Sites  



Web Teacher
On-Line shareware textbook
Task Centered User Interface Design
A tool to use in place of FrontPage
On Using HTML
Web Style Guides
A Forms Tutorial    
A primer on Using HTML from the NCSA    

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