Teachers Name 

 Lesson Five 
HEB0075 Interface Design

Resources and Downloads Lesson One
Course Outline Lesson Two
Lesson Five for Monday August 19 2002

Lesson for today



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Today we will create a new version of Louise Taylor's Skeleton page.
Have a look at it 
If you cannot move the elements around then you must be in Netscape . This effect works only in Internet Explorer. Not to worry it will work.


Now first things first.  Louise wanted to create a page where the viewer/interactor could put the parts of a skeleton back together and then check another image to see if this was correct. We will examine how she did this , but I want you to source your own content using this idea of constructing and checking.

You will need the parts (Louise's bones ) and the finished object (Louise's skeleton)
You can go to the internet for images but I want you to make your own
  • houses
  •  cars
  • positions on a sporting field
  •  characters on a stage 
  • animals in a zoo
  •  pieces of a game - 
    • Monopoly,
    • Chess,
    • Draughts,
    • snakes and ladders


  1. Open up FrontPage. create a new page save it as dragging.htm inside a New Folder called DraggingPages inside the My Documents folder.
  2. Click on the HTML tab at the bottom of the page
  3. Open up Louise's Skeleton page. 
  4. In the view Menu select Page Source
  5. Notice the Heading Tags and what is contained between them.
  6. This time around we have a new comer
  7. <style>
  8. copy this code and paste it just below the title tag in your FrontPage document
  9. The style command is setting up the use of the command drag.




Then comes our JavaScript

<script language="JavaScript1.2">


var dragapproved=false
var z,x,y
function move(){
if (event.button==1&&dragapproved){
return false
function drags()
if (!document.all)
if (event.srcElement.className=="drag"){
document.onmouseup=new Function("dragapproved=false")


Copy this code just below the Script tags,

this sets up the mouse as a device for moving


Now comes the hard part where we have to have the images ready.  This part goes in the body tag

<p align="center">
<img src="../images/pelvis.gif" width="93" height="66" class="drag">
<img src="../images/lowerleg.gif" width="37" height="134" class="drag">
<img src="../images/foot.gif" width="59" height="71" class="drag" class="drag">
<img src="../images/lowspine.gif" width="92" height="138" class="drag">
<img src="../images/skel10shoulder.gif" width="83" height="102" class="drag">
<img src="../images/upperleg.gif" width="41" height="117" class="drag"> 
<img src="../images/lowerleg2.gif" width="33" height="122"class="drag">
<img src="../images/skel11skull.gif" width="73" height="101" class="drag"> 
<img src="../images/ribs.gif" width="97" height="100" class="drag">
<img src="../images/arm.gif" width="44" height="134" class="drag">
<img src="../images/arm.gif" width="42" height="131" class="drag"> 
<img src="../images/upperarm2.gif" width="22" height="135" class="drag"> 
<img src="../images/upperarm.gif" width="24" height="128" class="drag">
<img  src="../images/upperleg2.gif" width="42" height="131" class="drag">
<img  src="../images/foot2.gif" width="61" height="74"class="drag">

Notice the addresses for the images, to make it work you will need to replace those addresses with you own addresses and with your own images.


The last part consists of the Button that displys a small window where we can check our finished product against some preset form.

<p align="center"><input type="button"
value="Check if your skeleton is correct ?"
onclick="window.open('see.htm', 'Sample', 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=200,height=600')"></p>

Value is the name of the button.

The window open command looks for the file see.htm, you will have to create this. Notice the long list of no commands, these are used to set the shape of the window being opened.  Note especially the size.  This will need to be adapted for the window you wish to open.


Now the Hard Part coming up with the images , the background even , so that you create an interactive page .  Use Paint Shop Pro, or even Paint to create the effect you need.


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 Resources and Downloads


Script Sites  



Web Teacher
On-Line shareware textbook
Task Centered User Interface Design
A tool to use in place of FrontPage
On Using HTML
Web Style Guides
A Forms Tutorial    
A primer on Using HTML from the NCSA    

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