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You have reached General maths section of the MCA Online website. Here you will find information about Certificates in General Eduation for Adults(CGEA) and examples of questions used in General maths. Revise your basic maths skills in topic areas: Numbers; Decimals; Fractions and Percentages .
You have reached General maths section of the MCA Online website. Here you will find information about Certificates in General Eduation for Adults(CGEA) and examples of questions used in General maths.
Revise your basic maths skills in topic areas: Numbers; Decimals; Fractions and Percentages .
Visit Maths Learning Units for a full list of topics available for revision. Visit CGEA website developed by ARIS. Visit CGEA assessment and moderation website developed by Victoria University. Visit the Numeracy Website to follow Australian local content and discussions on numeracy.
Visit Maths Learning Units for a full list of topics available for revision.
Visit CGEA website developed by ARIS.
Visit CGEA assessment and moderation website developed by Victoria University.
Visit the Numeracy Website to follow Australian local content and discussions on numeracy.