More to learn with HyperStudio (Buttons)

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Please Open the stack you created in Part 1

We will create buttons to place on this stack that will take us on an adventure.

In the Objects Menu select
Add a Button
The following dislogue box appears. Change the appearance as in this example (or choose your own)

Click    OK

Now place the button where you wish and click once away from the button

This dialogue box allows you to set an action for the button.

Click on Another Card...

This dialogue box allows you to select the card you will move to when you click on the button. We will type CTRL-N for a new card.  Then click OK

The next dialogue allows us to select a transition effect from one card to another.  i have choosen Dissolve

Speed   Medium

Try it to see if you like it.

If you do select OK

You will be back at this dialogue . Now click on Play a sound

This opens the Tape Deck.

Select the Sound BEAMDOWN.WAV and select OK

( You can try out all the sounds available click on play to hear them.  You can select sounds from the computer and elsewhere to use on your stacks)

Now select Done and see if your button works .  It should go to a blank screen. You can move back to the first card by clicking on the Move menu and selecting Back

we will now work on designing our exploration of the Temple

on to part 3