HyperStudio Constructing Rooms

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Open up the stack you created in the last lesson. You called it nameTemple.stk and saved it in your workspace/My Documents folder


Peel the Tool Bar off and select the Square shape tool .  Make sure it is clear and not full of colour.  To make it clear double click on the square until it looks like our example.
Draw a rectangle in the Centre of the card

select the straight line tool on the Tool Bar
Draw straight lines from the corners of the rectangle to the corners of the page . 


Make sure there are no gaps as this will effect later colour/pattern filling.

We will use this card as a template and create 2 other cards just the same.

To create a Template select Edit  -  
 Ready Made Cards 

Do this again so that you have three  cards in total with the same back ground.

To move between each of the cards Press Crtl > or Crtl< , on your keyboard.

Now make sure you are on Card 2 before continuing

Now the easy part colour in your room using either patterns or colours.  Add Graphic Objects ( look under Objects Menu)

Draw some doors.  Do this for each of the three rooms , make them all distinct but with doors to each room

This is the structure we will create.  We already have a link from card 1 to card 2 , we now need a link from Card 2 to Card 3 and from Card 2 to Card 4.

We will do this with Invisible buttons

In the Menu bar select Objects - Add a Button  this time change the selections to the example on the left.

Press OK

See the Marching Ants in a rectangle .  This is your invisible button .  You can change its size by grabbing its edges and its position by dragging it .  Bring it over the doorway and then click away from it to bring up the button dialogue box

Select Another card 

Move to the next room

Use this transition

Now test out the invisible button , by selecting the hand cursor as at left.

Now repeat this process for each of the  doors you want active or working.