An Introduction to HyperStudio                            

                                                                                                                                                                                (back to Hypermedia)

We will construct a Card that looks like this
First create a horizon line with the paint brush
Fill the top with blue and the bottom with grass
Using the spray can create some clouds and by double clicking on the round shape tool to make it solid create the sun


Adding A Graphic Object .

Under the Objects menu select 
Add a Graphic Object. 

 Select from Disk

Select Dingbats2

Make sure you have the lasso highlighted and draw around one of the columns

Place the column where you wish and Click the mouse away from the column once. This box should appear. Click OK

Double click on the Paint Brush

Select the Sloping line

Pick the stone work pattern
Draw a stone work path on the card

Select the Text Tool
Write a fitting title to your card.  Be careful with writing text you cannot correct it .  It is like painting the text on the background.



Save your stack call it PeterTemple.stk

Next in Part 2 we will put a Button on this card and link it to a new card

soooo lets GO