Mathematical Symbols
Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning
= is equal to NOTEQUAL.GIF (83 bytes) is not equal to
SYMBOL1.GIF (84 bytes) is less than or equal to SYMBOL2.GIF (84 bytes) is greater than or equal to
SYMBOL3.GIF (78 bytes) is equivalent to SYMBOL4.GIF (87 bytes) is approximately equal to
SYMBOL5.GIF (81 bytes) is congruent to SYMBOL6.GIF (87 bytes) infinity
SYMBOL7.GIF (76 bytes) therefore SYMBOL8.GIF (79 bytes) since
SYMBOL9.GIF (81 bytes) is an element of SYMBOL10.GIF (87 bytes) is not an element of
SYMBOL11.GIF (84 bytes) union of SYMBOL12.GIF (85 bytes) intersection
SYMBOL13.GIF (84 bytes) is a subset of SYMBOL14.GIF (91 bytes) is not a subset of
SYMBOL15.GIF (88 bytes) angle SYMBOL16.GIF (88 bytes) is perpendicular to
SYMBOL17.GIF (94 bytes) sum SYMBOL18.GIF (114 bytes) square root
SYMBOL19.GIF (86 bytes) pi SYMBOL20.GIF (92 bytes) theta
SYMBOL21.GIF (93 bytes) equivalence of two sets SYMBOL22.GIF (133 bytes) vector from A to B or ray AB
SYMBOL23.GIF (124 bytes) notation for a set SYMBOL25.GIF (129 bytes) line segment or interval AB
SYMBOL27.GIF (153 bytes) length measure of segment AB (a,b) open interval a<x<b
|SYMBOL22.GIF (133 bytes)| magnitude of vector from A to B [a, b] closed interval SYMBOL30.GIF (178 bytes)













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