Victoria University return to Hypermedia
Bachelor of Education

Post Registration

Peter Thomas
Sunbury Campus



return to Post Reg

General Information

Form of Presentation

What To Do?

Each class member will be given a chance to Present their Action Research Projects to the Class.

This will be a major Part of Assessment

By doing this students can

  • Validate their work in the Presence of their Peers
  • Create an Effective Document that displays the Learning and Achievement they have made
  • Create a Collect of Documents that can be shared ( if allowed) as a resource in the future
  • Be allowed to reflect critically on their Learning during the Year

Class members are to Present an Account of their Action Research Project over the past Year.

Tools and Programs to Use can include (but are not limited to)

  • PowerPoint
  • Paint Shop Pro (or any Image Program)
  • FrontPage
  • Word
  • Digital Images
  • Digital Video

Students can also use material from their own classrooms, handouts , survey data, illustration , examples of student work and other documents.

The account has three factors which should influence size and content .

  • Be as Comprehensive as Possible
  • Be as Concise as Possible
  • Be as Engaging as Possible


The Presentation is not the only assessment I will use but it is the basis of a Conversation I will have with every student, that should allow me an understanding of your Progress and Learnings in the Course.

In the End Action Research is about being on a Journey. The way we deliver our understandings of the Journey is through a Story.

Please Tell the story of your Action Research Project using some of the Skills and Techniques we have been using over the Past Year.

In telling the story please use as many story telling techniques as you can .

Have a Beginning.

Lay out your goals and aims. Flag the milestones you hope /have meet .

This may involve a Problem that has to be overcome , or the Position You are in. You may introduce the characters , the settings , the place, time, landscape, issues, hindrances, helps, hopes and thoughts of future happiness.

Have a Middle.

The Journey its self, examples, sign posts, mile stones, issues, those unforeseen extra plot lines that distract.

Have An End

Reach your destination (or not) Explain the path you have tread, give your reasons for choices and Present to us all how you are now, at the End of the Course.

Remember no matter the topic you were pursuing it is your Progress as a teacher (and Person) that is always the central focus of the Project