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Frame by Frame Animations

  1. use text toll to type in your name in red color and size 28 on the stage
  2. Select the arrow tool.
  3. MENU > Modify > Break Apart
  4. Press F6 ( or add Keyframe from MENU a number of times to create more key frames according to the number of letters of your name
  5. Select frame 1 and delete all letters but the first one.
  6. Select frame 2 and delete all letters but the first two. And so on ... till the last frame.
  7. MENU > Control > Loop Playback
  8. Rewind and play


Motion Tweening

  1. Draw a red ball on the stage.
  2. Convert the ball to a Symbol (F8)
  3. In the timeline select frame 20 and press F6 for a Key frame.
  4. While the timeline is still at frame 20 select and move the ball to the other side of the stage
  5. In the timeline select any frame .
  6. In the properties palette at the bottom of the page under the tween pull down menu select motion
  7. Rewind and play


Shape Tweening (same editable objects)

  1. Select first empty frame
  2. On the stage, create a shape using any drawing tools.
  3. Right click a frame where the animation is to end on the timeline and insert a keyframe
  4. Use the arrow tool to deselect the shape and modify it
  5. Double click the first key frame to open the Properties box
  6. Select Shape from the tween menu
  7. Rewind and play




Shape Tweening (Different editable objects)

  1. Select first empty frame and draw a red oval
  2. Right click a frame where the animation is to end on the timeline and insert a keyframe F6
  3. Create a blue rectangle away from the red oval.
  4. Double click the first key frame to open the Properties box
  5. Select Shape from the tween menu
  6. Rewind and play



  1. Motion Path

  2. create a motion tweening of a Symbol or groups ( as in 2)
  3. in Properties box select snap
  4. select the Add Guide Layer from the Insert menu
  5. Use the pencil tool to draw a curved path
  6. Select the arrow tool select the snap button and relocate the first ball over the path , notice small circles as guides
  7. Do the same for last frame .
  8. Rewind and play
  9. Now rewind and play but make the guide layer invisible




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