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Introduction to Flash


Flash is a Vector graphic based multimedia authoring program designed to give high quality rich graphic and sound interactivity to a web page.

It is a very complex program we will approach some of its features today.


The Stage

This is the area where graphics are created and manipulated using features from the tool palette


The Tools 

The Tools 

Run your mouse over the tools for their names .  We will explore each. Do not worry about remembering them 


The Time Line

This is like a play back head from a video machine 


The Introductory Scene

Creating the Text

  • Open   New from the File menu
  • Go to View Menu select Magnification and select View All
  • Click on the Text Tool
  • At the bottom of the page you will notice the Properties Window 
  • Pick a suitable combination for your piece of Text
  • Write your text
  • click on the Arrow tool
  • Click once on any letter in your set.  You should see a blue box around the text.
  • go to Modify menu  , select Break Apart.  Notice that each letter has a blue square around it.



Animating the Letters
  • In the timeline select the tenth frame point
  • With that selected go to the Insert menu and select Key frame
  • You can add a key frame to the timeline by pressing F6 , do that now
  • Notice that all the letters have a blue frame, click away from the letters, then click on the first letter, it should now have a border but the others should not.
  • Move that letter by dragging it.
  • Press F6 to add another key frame , select another letter and do something similar with that
  • repeat this sequence until you have moved all the letters of the first word 
  • Go back to the timeline and shift click to select the frames that contain then moved letters, it should start at frame 11 
  • With the frames selected ( they should be black) right mouse click and select copy Frames
  • Click on the next blank frame in the timeline and right mouse click select Paste frames
  • Select these again by shift clicking and then right mouse click this time select reverse frames
  • Save your work as "title" in the my Documents folder ( not on your floppy)
  • press enter on your key board to see the movie play ( go to Modify menu select document and change the frame rate to 5 or 6 to slow down the movie)


Putting the Movie in  a Web Page
  • to Test your movie select Control Test movie, close when happy
  • to create a file that can be used in FrontPage, go to the File menu and select Publish
  • Flash creates two files in the same pace you saved your file
  • open FrontPage and open the htm file of your Flash movie
  • You can edit in normal mode but you will notice that the Flash file exists as an object on the htm page


For Further lessons try a Googe Search or go to



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