Vietnam - a Web Quest
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Welcome to the Vietnam Web Quest.

This Web Quest is designed for Secondary school SOSE  teachers or others who want to explore the events surrounding the Vietnam War. This Web Quest is intended to introduce the Vietnam War to students. It can augment existing curriculum or be used on its own.

 For this project, students conduct research, collect information, debate an issue, and write a summary of the outcomes.

Lesson Plan

 Lesson Overview:

 The lesson is divided into five main "parts." The length of each part will vary depending on the individual teacher and the resources available. However, a suggested number of days is given.

 Part 1
Introduce the Web Quest to the students and outline the upcoming activities. Have students orient themselves to the Vietnam Mural web page. Divide up the class into groups of four. Have students read their position on the mural.
Suggested time: One day.

 Part 2
Allow time for the students to conduct their research and gather information. The actual number of days will depend on the individual teacher.
Suggested time: Two to four days.

Part 3
Have like roles meet and discuss their findings. Students download the HyperStudio template and work on their "opening statement" for the town meeting.
Suggested time: Two days.

 Part 4
Conduct the Town Meeting. The teacher or a student can take the role of the mayor. Allow for opening statements then lead the class in a debate on the issue. See if the issue can be resolved with agreement by all or most of the "citizens."
Suggested time: One to two days.

 Part 5
Have the students assume the role of a newspaper reporter and write an article on the town meeting and its outcome.
Suggested time: One to three days.

Technology Use

The Vietnam Web Quest utilizes three separate technology components:

Most of the research that the students will be doing will be on the Internet. Students and teachers will need a basic level of knowledge about navigating the Internet to be successful with this project.

 For the final newspaper article, a newspaper template is available for download. It is an Adobe Acrobat (pdf) document. You need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print this document. Click here to download Acrobat Reader.

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