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Presentation Tools
This page contains information and examples of Presentation Tools useful for teachers working in class rooms and on-line
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Using PowerPoint

Useful Links

This section is for people new to PowerPoint or who want a quick refresher
Those with more advanced skills and a need to think about the art and science of Presentations go here

Mastering PowerPoint

Please right mouse click and download this file to your computer.
Then open it with MS PowerPointIt is a sampler of PowerPoint elements and techniques that we will quickly cover
  • setting up a slide show
  • picking the slide view
  • adding slides
  • backgrounds
  • text
  • word art
  • graphics (photos and clip art)
  • animations
  • transitions
  • builds
  • sounds


Grand Mastery of PowerPoint

The University of Tasmania has done some excellent work on Using PowerPoint for the Construction of Multimedia and CD-Rom resources

Here is Dr. Simon James explaining it

here is the University of Tasmania hosted collection

This site has a number of links and files attached, it may be worth while downloading them to your portable drive or USB stick.


PowerPoint in the Classroom from the internet site actden (Digital Education Network) is a useful resource. It is geared for young students. You can print out tutorials free of charge.

That little bit more

PowerPoint has been getting a mixed response in educational circles over the last few years. It can still be a powerful tool for teachers and students but only if used thoughtfully .

Microsoft itself this link has a tutorial for PowerPoint for Office 2000 still useful. Other Microsoft resources include lists of tutorial and lesson plans as well as page on instructional materials .

On the Microsoft site is a link to this page from the University of Minnesota , this has a good range of resources to follow up (especially a section on using PowerPoint for games and an excellent quote to start with

"At a minimum, a presentation format should do no harm to content. Yet again and again we have seen that the PP cognitive style routinely disrupts, dominates, and trivializes content. Thus PP presentations too often resemble the school play: very loud, very slow, and very simple.

The practical conclusions are clear. PowerPoint is a competent slide manager and projector for low-resolution materials. And that's about it. PP has some occasionally useful low-end design tools and way too many Phluff-tools. No matter how beautiful your PP ready-made template is, it would be better if there were less of it. "
(Edward R. Tufte, The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint, 22)

From Jamie McKenzie at From Now On ( comes the great term Powerpointlessness . Of course the site is about not being powerpointless.

Jamie's site has a wealth of information and is invaluable for using technology in a real and meaningful way across the curriculum.

Atomic Learning have small video tutorials on using PowerPoint. They have a some for free, the rest need to be purchased , but the free tutorials are valuable anyway

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PowerPoint background info