Victoria University


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What is Hypertext? 
What is Hypertext fiction?
Can I see some Examples? How Do I make IT?
"Simply stated, hypertext consists of nodes (or 'chunks') of information and links between them"

McKnight, Dillon and Richardson 
Hypertext in Context

"Hypertext provides a means of arranging information in a non-linear manner with the computer automating the process of connecting one piece of information to another.  If the structure accommodates not only printed texts but also digitised sound, graphics, animations, video and virtual reality, it is sometimes referred to as 'hypermedia' or 'multimedia'."

Ilana Snyder 
Hyperfictions: its Possibilities in English


Do you remember 'Choose Your Own Adventures"?  They were a form of hypertext, but done as a book.


One feature of hyperfiction is that the plot is often hard to find.  Some writers suggest that the plot is constructed by the reader/interactor as they progress/read through the hypertext. Read Geoff Rymans 253.  What is the plot?  Does it matter?

Hypertext can be in any  genre, as you can see above.  This set are detective murder mysteries. staring Tracy Darrington.  When you access the stories a small applet will load, if it doesn't, read the Problems section.

Some authors are using Hypertext to write complex and meaningful pieces

Stuart Moulthrop Sean Cohen
The Color of Television

Michael Joyce
Twelve Blue

Hypertext Collections and Further Info



The Text Electric

Hypertext Theory
Dr Jeffery Partridges subject at               The National University of Singapore