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Week  Seven .  Thursday April 17. 2003                             back to menu





Paint Shop Pro

This may be revision for some , but then again...
We will look at Actden  http://www.actden.com/ they are an excellent source of tutorials for using a range of software products.
We will do the Little Shop of Horrors  http://www.actden.com/grap_den/lesson2/page1.htm  remember to get your images from the library http://www.actden.com/grap_den/clipart/lesson2.htm , right click on each image and save into a new folder called Sarahsimages ( if your name is Sarah)


GIF Animation

One element of Animation is the creation of a number of images that are viewed in a sequence. If the differences between each image are slight and the process of viewing them is fast then the appearance of movement or "animation" can be created.

A flip book is an early model of this.

Look at Astronomy Flip Books

and this as well.


With a computer the process can be simplified.
We will create some images with PSP an then use some animation software, to create Animated GIF files

  • Go to Start - Programs - Paint Shop Pro.
  • Create a new file 50 X 50 pixels, 72 dpi, millions of colours , white back ground
  • Draw a face or shape. Save into New folder in the My Documents Folder
  • Select All , Copy then Paste a New Image.
  • Make some small modification to this image , Save as with a name in sequence to your first image
  • Continue process until you have 4 or 5 images.
  • Open animation software ( it is along side PSP)
  • Use Wizard to create an animation using the image you have prepared earlier
  • Save animation and insert into a FrontPage file ( your Sampler will do )


As a source of Images and a Theme to Pursue  that may have currency in your teaching careers we will look at Anzac Day. In later classes we will look at using MS Access to create a database, but today we will look at creating digital collages.

Here is the Rubric 


Here is a list of sites that may contain images you can download to later edit and manipulate, it is from [whatsnew] EdNA Online What's New Newsletter: Anzac Day

1. Australia's Anzacs
Offered by the Culture and Recreation Portal, this page presents historical information about Anzac Day - an article about the Gallipoli battle, facts, highlights, and links to related sites. 

2. Australian War Memorial
An authoritative collection of Australia's involvement in war. Search the national collection database: film, sound, war art, photos, including both official and private records.

3. EdNA Online's Anzac Resources for Schools
This page provides a service to the educational community by aggregating a useful and comprehensive collection of ANZAC resources for teachers, from the evaluated resources in the EdNA Online database.

4. Simpson Prize
This site provides information about the Simpson Prize awarded by the AFSSE, essentially an essay competition open to Australian Year 9 and 10 students, with a prize winner selected from each state to travel to Gallipoli for Anzac Day of the following year. In addition the site contains reports from teachers and students who have made the trip in previous years. 

5. Trenches on the Web - ANZAC Memories
Part of the Internet History of The Great War, this site provides historical notes on the Australian Imperial Force (AIF), personal records of officers, photographs, letters and memories of soldiers who lost their lives during the First World War. A midi version of Waltzing Matilda is also included.