








Week Three .  Thursday March 20. 2003                             back to menu


Open Publisher
Build Your Newsletter in consultation with your partners


Getting pictures .  The Internet ( Use Google picture search).  The Digital camera


Planning, group work and evidence of planning and Group work.
Using the Bulletin Board in WebCT
  • use the topic with your group name. 
  • Sending a message re the project with an attachment that is your page to the Bulletin board.


The Publisher project.  
This is the situation- You are part of a team in a school where there are real literacy problems.  The team has decided to produce a newsletter of material that could help to encourage reading amongst the Year eight students  .
In groups of four to produce one page of a Year Eight newsletter containing material that year eights might want to read.
This will involve collecting a range of material (?????) and using the program Publisher to put a page together.
This is the Rubric that I will use to help assess your Project.
Why have I set this mini-project?
What are the skills and  knowledge required?  What are the values involved?



Implications of Technology

Last week we looked at The Accidental Tourist, which is really a photo doctored to look as if it was taken of a man on top of the World trade centre with the plane approaching in the back ground


Comment Topics

Post to Discussion Board

  1. What are the implications for our society of this ability to manipulate images?
  2. Ideas (no matter how silly) that spread around the world like a virus are sometimes called a meme. Look this word up on the internet and Post an Example to the Bulletin Board under the topic Memes.

Extra BONUS points

What is an Urban Legend ?




An interesting Site
  Every week I want each member of the class to find an interesting web site that might have educational , or professional value .  I would like you to post the address to the Discussion Board so that we will be able to share it.

I want you to be able to describe the site, with these headings

  • useability including navigation
  • style and attractiveness - or lack of it
  • technology - how complex, need for plug-ins
  • Does it work on all these levels
  • An overall score

I will do the first Website of the Week, take a look at Heromachine , in fact we can all create a hero. This may involve loading up the latest Shockwave or Flash Plug-in



a taste of HTML ( revision for many)
 Open Up Note Pad ( Look in the Start Menu)


save the file as index.htm in a new Folder you will create called HTML in the My Documents folder


Copy and Paste the following into the file


save it


Between the head tags type <title>My First Page</title>


Between the body tags type  Hello World


Open (or go to ) Netscape , open a new Navigator Page, Select New Page, Choose file and browse to My Documents pick index.htm and open the page .
What do you see ?