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Hypermedia in a Secondary School Classroom Preamble Overall Statement Introduction to Hypermedia 1.Key Terms 2. Introduction 3.Starting to use Hypermedia 4. Research into Hypermedia Hypothesis? A Teaching method 5.What were the pedagogical effects of Hypermedia? The Story of my Thesis An appropriate site for the research. A pedagogy What did I find? What is the significance? What were the pedagogical effects? Early Methodology 1.Introduction 2. Why action research? 4. Research questions Literacy Discussion Background Hypermedia Historical /Background Literacy its purpose and function Literacy as Technology The Function of Literacy Literacy as a social control tool The players in the literacy literary game: The electronic revolution Implications for Literacy What is Hypermedia: Introduction Interactive Multimedia, Hypertext and Hypermedia. The Electronic Revolution Continues. New Thought. A Review of the Literature A Preamble to the Literature Review Overview What is Literacy? Technology as literacy Hypermedia Research in Schools What is this Middle Years Movement? How does it link with your concerns and innovations? Context for the Study School Classroom Physical Setting Technology (1)Affordances of Software Educational Setting Case Study Opening narrative vignette Second Narrative Vignette Third Narrative Vignette Case Study A thorough description of the context or setting Thematic Approach to the case Study A focus on Student Engagement with the task Vignette 1 Collaborations Vignette 2 Identity Vignette 3 The Method. Case Study Method Analysis - Phenomenography Reading and Writing Hypermedia Text Images Sound Interactivity Design Descriptors of Levels of Sophistication and or Engagement acros The Vignettes - Students Hypermedia Stories The Caves Legends Shopaholics Woop Woop The Cleaner Totally Crazy Zoo The Missing Monkey High Conclusion Digital Literacies. Issues and Understandings. The Setting.  A typical place in Provincial Australia Discussion of the Results Textual. Interactivity Design 1 Students choice of Image Verses Text 2. Variation 3. Conclusions and Consequences. Discussions on Case studies What we Found (a summary)