Victoria University (back to Hypermedia)

 FrontPage Forms Sampler

I always like to Introduce software with a Sampler Exercise

Just like NeedleCraft, but in Software

For Our  FrontPage Forms Sampler we will 

  • create 1 page as a Magazine Quiz
  • save our work with appropriate file names and titles
  • insert a form
  • add radio buttons
  • add check buttons
  • add text box
  • add scrolling text box
  • add drop down menus
  • add buttons


Open Front page.  Create a New page


Insert a Form



Insert some text into your Form


Save your page as forms.htm and Give the Title "Quiz"  save into My Documents or floppy


Radio Buttons

Inside the forms border, write What Sex are You ?  This is the sort of question that has a range of choices but only one answer Age Range is  similar  .
Write 'Male' leave a few spaces and then write female.
Move the curser back until it is along side the word 'Male' leave one space
From the Insert Menu Select Form Radio Button. 
Do the same for 'Female'
Right mouse click the first Radio Button. From the menu select Form Field Properties
Notice the Group Name, this is important for the Radio Buttons as only One button in a group is selected.


Change the value to male.


Do the same for female


Check Buttons

These work similiarly to Radio Buttons but more than one can be selected.  Write the Question 'What do You Like?' and come up with 6 choices at the end of each insert a check box from the Insert Form Menu. Right click on each to change its name.  Note that the names can be different the value of each is on or off.


Text Boxes

The next section will contain a small box for your readers to write a few lines,include an invitation to write something then leave a space and Insert a single text box from the Insert Forms Menu.


Scrolling Text Box

This is similar to the text box but it can handle more text


Drop Down Menus

Use a sentence like "What word describes You"  
Select Drop Down Menus , right click
Add words as choices  
Select OK when finished  



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