Victoria University return to Hypermedia

Imagination, Creativity and Design

Class Agenda


Class Exercises for You to Do

True Secrets of using Multimedia as part of a class.

I hope you find these sites and exercises interesting and useful.  Always remember what you see in the media and that includes the Internet is not always what it seems .



The great thing about the Internet is we can all respond to what we see, if we wish to.


More Manipulation of Images

Photo Foolery
This is one you can use with younger children

Urban Legends
Fake or True Photos of animals ( Warning - Maybe disturbing images)

Fake or Photo
This is more advanced, maybe for older grades .It certainly is harder

Digital Retouching
Now the real scary stuff , so what can you really believe?

And another
(Warning as well)

On the other hand maybe we should not worry but start doing some manipulation on our own -  and it does not have to be expensive - or even use PhotoShop.


Using Other peoples Art

The internet is full of people displaying their art and not only high art, or through galleries.  BUT can you use it, or borrow it ?

Deviant Art

Some sites let you play with their art in exciting ways

Keith Harings Site


some sites let you combine art with other curriculum areas like Literacy .


How about a an on-line comic on Myths and Legends

The True Secret of Images On-Line ................. Do It Your Self .

Let us create a simple picture of say an  animal or a person in PowerPoint using shapes, lines and fills (or maybe draw it with Paint and insert it into the PowerPoint).

Let us then animate the shape by creating a number of slides with small changes in the shape , size or position of the image we have drawn.

Sounds easy I know and look at the results.


Here is a Monster I created earlier


This done by a Grade 6  student 

But look at these examples created by people like you.

Please download them into the My Documents file

Dog 1

Dog 2

Dog 3