A newer version of the HyperStudio 5 Web plug-in is needed to view this stack.

You need a newer version of the HyperStudio 5
Web plug-in to view this stack. Download the latest
plug-in from Software MacKiev's Web site,
install the software, and then try again.

HyperStudio 5 Safari Plug-in is needed to open the exported stack.

Click here to download this plug-in from the Software MacKiev Web site. When downloading is complete, install the plug-in by double-clicking its Installer icon in the Finder.

Note: If you have the HyperStudio 5 CD, you can install the plug-in from there. Just insert the CD and double-click the HyperStudio 5 Web Plug-in icon in the dialog that appears.
HyperStudio 5 Internet Explorer Plug-in is required to open the exported stack.

The Internet Explorer plug-in may be blocked or not installed.
If you have installed the plug-in, click here to get information that may help you to resolve this issue.
If the plug-in is not installed, click here to download it from the Software MacKiev site. When downloading is complete, install the plug-in by double-clicking its Installer icon.

Note: If you have the HyperStudio 5 CD, you can install the plug-in from there.

The HyperStudio 5 Web plug-in can only be used with the Safari Web browser. Other Web browsers will not open exported HyperStudio 5 stacks.